We Love Our Volunteer Dinner Donors!

We Love Our Volunteer Dinner Donors!

Calling all cooks—can you help?

“It gives me great joy because it combines my passion for cooking with my desire to help homeless youth.”

—Rena Jackson, monthly dinner donor

On any given night, the San Leandro and Midway Shelters will serve as home to 55 women and children.

Our Winter Warming Shelters in San Leandro and Alameda serve many more during rainy or cold nights.

15,038 dinners were lovingly prepared by volunteer dinner donors at our four emergency shelters last fiscal year!

We count on dinners donated by caring community members. Donating meals does not only ease Building Futures’ budget, it’s also a great way for community members to show shelter residents that they care. Thank you to the 83 dinner donor groups who donated meals last year!

Building Futures needs more Dinner Donors! Your family, club, or church group can donate monthly, quarterly, or from time to time. You’ll purchase, prepare, and deliver a meal for 30 people by 5pm on your scheduled day. To learn more, contact Naima at [email protected] or at 510-924-3092.

This article was first published in our 2018-19 Annual Report.