San Leandro Homeless Compact Lauded

San Leandro Homeless Compact Lauded

On June 6th, The Association of Bay Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission honored the San Leandro Homeless Compact with a Bay Area Metro Award for easing the Bay Area’s housing crisis. Specifically, the city was lauded for the San Leandro Homeless Compact. This historic partnership includes the City of San Leandro, Building Futures, April Showers, the San Leandro Police Department and the Rental Housing Association of Southern Alameda County.

Building Futures provides wrap-around support services, street outreach services, landlord advocacy, and the Shelter Plus Care Vouchers that provide rent and permanent support for San Leandro residents who have lived on the streets for at least a year—or repeatedly—while struggling with a disabling condition such as a serious mental illness, substance use, or physical disability.

To read an article or watch a short video, search for “homeless compact” on or YouTube.

This article was first published in our 2018-19 Annual Report.