Speakout at Alameda City Hall Draws Crowd, Raises Awareness

Speakout at Alameda City Hall Draws Crowd, Raises Awareness

In October, a well-attended “Speakout” and Resource Fair on the steps of Alameda City Hall marked Domestic Violence Awareness Month and helped raise awareness. The event featured speakers Alameda County Supervisor Wilma Chan, Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, and Alameda, then-mayor Marie Gilmore and Chief of Police Paul Rolleri. “Alameda has been great about uniting against street crime. Now it’s time for the community to address this crime that happens inside of our homes,” said Chief Rolleri. The event was sponsored by the Alameda Domestic Violence Task Force, which is led by Building Futures.

We are currently launching a Domestic Violence Task Force in San Leandro. For information about the Alameda of San Leandro Domestic Violence Task Force, please contact us.

This article first appeared in our 2014-15 Annual Report.