Spanish Language Services Help Survivors Build Better Futures

Seguridad. Esperanza. Empoderamiento. ¡PORQUE USTED LO VALE!
Building Futures has strengthened our efforts to address the need for bilingual services for Latinx survivors of domestic violence. Our outreach team provides safety planning, case management, one-on-one counseling, support groups, court accompaniment, and parent advocacy support in both English and Spanish. Our outreach team also provides “DV 101” presentations in order to increase domestic violence awareness. Last October, domestic violence advocate Daisy Porres, Psy.D, helmed a citywide Spanish language outreach campaign to help spread the word that help is available. Funds from the City of San Leandro and the Alameda County District Attorney supported the expansion of these crucial services. All domestic violence survivors deserve healthy alternatives for themselves and their families. Building Futures is proud to make these services a reality!
Building Futures’ 24-hour domestic violence hotline is 1-866-A-WAY-OUT (1-866-292-9688).
This article first appeared in our 2017-18 Annual Report.