Domestic Violence

If you are seeking shelter and housing assistance, please call 211 to get referred to a Housing Resource Center. 24-hour, toll-free crisis line: 1-866-A-WAY-OUT

Building Futures provides a range of services for survivors of domestic violence. We provide shelter and support services to families and individuals fleeing an abuser, at Sister Me Home safe house. Our domestic violence services also include a 24-hour help line, community outreach/education, individual/ group counseling, and referrals for legal and other services, for survivors of all gender identities. We also offer fellow homeless providers technical assistance, education and training to give them the tools to recognize and support domestic violence issues. If you are experiencing domestic violence and need help, call Building Futures’ 24-hour crisis line: 1-866-292-9688.

Sister Me Home Safe House

At Sister Me Home, Building Futures provides confidential shelter and support services in an environment of safety, empowerment, and healing. The shelter provides 20 beds with 24-hour staffing and culturally appropriate support services. Sister Me Home is open to all fleeing domestic violence, regardless of gender identification.

Sister Me Home residents receive:

  • Clean, warm beds
  • Three daily meals
  • Shower and laundry facilities
  • Access to computers and telephone
  • Mail services
  • Access to clothing closet
  • Transportation assistance
  • Case management support
  • Mental health counseling and therapy
  • Permanent housing assistance
  • Direct referrals to Linkages Rapid Rehousing program for families that qualify
  • Linkage to legal services
  • Linkage to community and mainstream services
  • Linkage to primary dental, medical and mental health services
  • Domestic violence and healthy relationships groups and one-on-one assistance
  • Children’s programing
  • School enrollment and McKinney Vento Act assistance

Domestic Violence Support Groups

Women’s Group

Building Futures’ provides a domestic violence support group for female-identified individuals who have experienced domestic/intimate partner violence. We provide a safe confidential space to share stories and connect with other survivors. This is a non-judgmental space that welcomes all survivors, whether or not they are currently experiencing domestic/intimate partner violence in their relationships.

Both in-person and virtual support groups offered:

When: Wednesdays, 6:00pm-7:00pm

Where: details after initial intake call

Please contact the Domestic Violence Outreach Team at [email protected] to sign up for the group or with any questions.

Domestic Violence Counseling, Outreach, and Education

Building Futures’ domestic violence outreach team provides advocacy, case management, navigation, and support to those affected by domestic violence. Clients of these services may not be interested in or require shelter services. Clients receive free one-on-one counseling sessions with a trained Domestic Violence counselor. Building Futures also offers free supportive court accompaniment for domestic violence-related court appearances (for example, restraining order hearings, family law court dates, or criminal cases.) These services are also offered in Spanish.

Building Futures outreach services also include outreach to educate the public and increase awareness of domestic violence. Topics include the dynamics of abusive relationships, how to recognize signs of abuse, and connecting survivors with support. We also provide education workshops for service providers, teens, survivors, and the general public. These presentations can be tailored to fit your needs and can run from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

To request a free DV101 presentation or if you would like us to staff an information table at your community event, please contact the Domestic Violence Outreach Team at [email protected]  

Domestic Violence Counselor Training

Twice each year, Building Futures delivers a Domestic Violence Counselor Training which meets the requirements set by the state of California for training Domestic Violence Counselors. After successfully completing the training, participants receive a Certificate of Completion that allows them to pursue volunteer and employment opportunities working directly with survivors of domestic violence in the state of California. In addition to foundational information on domestic violence, this training emphasizes working with domestic violence survivors who are experiencing homelessness and/or mental health and/or substance use issues. The curriculum also covers housing issues domestic violence survivors may be facing as a result of their trauma. Building Futures’ Domestic Violence Counselor Training includes presentations by professionals in the field, information sessions, and activities and discussions facilitated by Building Futures’ Domestic Violence Outreach Team. To find out more about the Domestic Violence Counselor Training, please contact us at [email protected].

Want to make a difference and volunteer or work with people impacted by domestic violence?

Register for Spring 2025 In-Person Training:

The Outreach Team also provides DV101 and DV technical support trainings for community-based organizations. To learn more, email us at: [email protected]

Other Services for Domestic Violence Survivors

  • Assistance in applying for Safe at Home. The program provides a free post office box and mail forwarding service. Safe at Home is designed to help survivors of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault to start new lives in peace and to provide added protections to their overall safety plans.
  • The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office requires persons who wish to change or terminate a Temporary Restraining Order related to domestic violence to attend six hours of Domestic Violence Education by an authorized provider. Building Futures provides this mandatory 6-hour education series on a rolling basis.
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