Our Expanded Domestic Violence Services Team

In 2021-22, Building Futures expanded our Domestic Violence Services! Building Futures now serves more survivors and their children, with an added emphasis on safe and stable housing. Our Domestic Violence Team continues to provide a range of services to survivors at Sister Me Home domestic violence safe house and at the San Leandro and Midway shelters. They also serve as advocates and educators in the community. Further, the team provides technical assistance and trainings in the community, particularly to partner agencies that serve homeless individuals and families that are experiencing domestic violence.
Last year, Building Futures collaborated with various community-based organizations and successfully advocated for Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) for survivors who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, or fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking. Building Futures coordinated this effort by providing technical assistance and training with partner agencies. We created a county-wide referral process and established partnerships with housing authorities. The existing coordinated entry system is limited in providing housing access for these survivors. The EHV project establishes a separate coordinated entry process that addresses survivors’ safety concerns. We’re proud to play a part in this progress toward systems change and housing access.
There’s more! The Domestic Violence Services Team is creating more workshops to prepare survivors for housing, safety planning and housing independence. We’re offering homeless providers technical assistance and training to support clients through their experience with domestic violence issues. Finally, the team is strategizing to build more relationships with law enforcement, mental health providers, and medical facilities. We’re proud to reach more survivors and help them re-build their lives free from violence.
This article appeared in our 2021-22 Annual Report.