Back to School Drive

(Donation dates: June-September)
- $25 gift cards from Walmart, Target, Nike, Ross, Visa, Marshalls/TJ Maxx or Old Navy
- Contribute to our Back to School Campaign
- Reusable water bottles (if plastic, BPA-free)
- New shoes, clothes and socks for kids and teens
- Backpacks for students K-12
School supplies:
- Glue sticks
- Colored pencils, box
- Pencils
- Erasers
- School supply box / pencil box (Plastic)
- Crayons, 24 count
- Markers, dry erase
- Highlighters
- Scissors
- Pens, red
- Pens, blue or black
- Pencil bag/pouch
- Tissue boxes
- Ziploc storage bags, gallon size
- Hand sanitizer, bottle
- Reinforced filler paper, wide ruled, 3 hole punch
- Pocket folders, assorted colors
- 3-ring binders
- Washable markers, box
- Spiral notebook wide ruled
- Graph paper, 3 hole punched
- Headphones
- Ear buds
- Flash drives
- Lunch boxes (if plastic, BPA-free)
Download our flyer:
We will occasionally accept furniture donations for our clients moving into permanent housing. Please call us at (510) 357-0205 x 206, or email a description with pictures of the furniture you would like to donate to [email protected].