We’re Number One! Midway Shelter Honored For Highest Outcomes

At Alameda County’s recent Achieving Outcomes Community Celebration on June 12, our Midway Shelter was lauded by Alameda County as its highest achieving shelter program for 2013!
The award reflects Midway’s outcomes in terms of shelter residents linked to permanent housing. All of the County’s 15 homeless shelters are ranked.
Why is this rate important? Because it means Midway residents end their homelessness while they are with us. Life skills groups, mental health and medical services, linkage to job training and public benefits, and school advocacy also help our residents build safe and stable futures.
Midway’s co-founder Virginia Krutilek (pictured at center) was on hand to accept the award. Our San Leandro Shelter, Bessie Coleman Court, and Rapid Rehousing program were also recognized for outstanding outcomes.
In the last 12 months, Midway, San Leandro Shelter, and Sister Me Home sheltered and provided lifechanging services to 461 women and children. We are proud of our dedicated staff and our residents for their many, many successes!
This article first appeared in our Summer 2014 Newsletter.