If you are seeking shelter and housing assistance, please call 211 to get referred to a Housing Resource Center. 24-hour, toll-free crisis line: 1-866-A-WAY-OUT
Building Futures exists to help Alameda County individuals and families rebuild their lives after homelessness and domestic violence. As a “Housing First” agency since 2007, our priority is to quickly connect those we serve with housing.
Bessie Coleman Court
This 52-unit permanent supportive housing community was named after an American aviator and the first African-American woman to earn a pilot’s license. Sited at the former Alameda Naval Base at Alameda Point, Bessie Coleman Court provides permanent apartment units to formerly homeless survivors of domestic violence with deep needs. All residents living at Bessie Coleman Court receive case management and access to a range of services including support groups, community gatherings, clothing and household items, and life skills training. Additional services are available at nearby Alameda Point Collaborative Multi-Service Center. Access to Bessie Coleman Court is through Alameda County’s Home Stretch that matches households to Alameda County’s Permanent Supportive Housing opportunities.
Welcome Home San Leandro
The partnership between Building Futures and Alameda County’s Housing and Community Development department provides rent and support services for 25 San Leandro residents who have experienced homelessness for at least a year—or repeatedly—while struggling with a disabling condition such as a serious mental illness, substance use disorder, or physical disability. The City of San Leandro has been a valuable ally for the program, forging the nation’s first Housing Compact between a rental housing association and a homeless services provider. Building Futures’ Street Outreach program is a key aspect of this program’s success. Access to this program is through a direct referral from Alameda County’s Home Stretch which matches households to Alameda County’s permanent supportive housing opportunities. Watch a video about the Homeless Compact Program.
CalWorks: Housing Support Program
This joint collaborative between Alameda County Social Services, Alameda County Housing and Community Development, Abode Services, and the East Oakland Community Project assists families in the CalWORKs program who are experiencing homelessness. It is designed to help families quickly secure permanent housing, to help achieve self-sufficiency and increase overall child well-being. HSP follows a Housing First model and uses evidence-based housing interventions, including Rapid Rehousing, and is designed to assist families, to secure permanent housing as quickly as possible. HSP offers financial assistance and supportive services, including, but not limited to rental assistance, security deposits, utility payments, moving costs, landlord recruitment, case management, housing outreach and placement, legal services, and credit repair. For a referral to this program please contact assigned social worker at Alameda County Social Services.
Estuary I (North Housing)
Building Futures’ permanent supportive housing in Alameda is expanding!
The City of Alameda Housing Authority has received 12 acres of land at the former Naval Air Station Alameda from the U.S. Navy. As part of the base reuse process, the Housing Authority—with Building Futures and Alameda Point Collaborative—submitted a successful application for a homeless accommodation on the land. The plan is for 90 units of permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless households to be built on the property. Building Futures will provide permanent supportive housing for the 90 units, formerly used for Coast Guard housing. Demolition of the site is now complete and planning for Phase A of this major project is underway.
If you are seeking shelter and housing assistance, please call 211 to be referred to a Housing Resource Center.
Download the Coordinated Entry Flyer
Download the Coordinated Entry Flyer for Families
Housing Resources Guide Alameda County
Alameda County Social Services
Alameda County Behavioral Services
For More Information about Housing and Homelessness