Sabrina Thomas to Be Honored at 20th Annual MLK Jr. Celebration

Sabrina Thomas to Be Honored at 20th Annual MLK Jr. Celebration

We’re proud to work alongside Sabrina Thomas, Building Futures’ Emergency Services Director!

On January 13th, Living Jazz will present her with their prestigious Oakland Citizen Humanitarian Award at their 20th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration.

Living Jazz created this award to acknowledge those who give of themselves beyond the call of duty—and who inspire others to work for the betterment of the community.

Sabrina gives of herself every day in her work and life. She says Building Futures’ services share two important elements: hope and love. She inspires all who work with her to lift up in hope and love all those served in our street outreach, shelters, and housing program. She was instrumental in launching the agency’s newest service site: the Family Front Door and Resource Center. The Center is an Oakland-based hub for all Building Futures’ housing programs providing families with case management, mental health and job assistance, housing, household items, food, and clothing. Last year, Building Futures helped 506 households with support services and rent assistance and housed 346 people. On this project, Building Futures is proud to partner closely with the City of Oakland.

The Tribute to Martin Luther King will feature the music of Stevie Wonder with an array of remarkable artists. The event will be held at the historic Paramount Theater at 6pm on Saturday, January 13th.

Get your tickets here:

Congratulations, Sabrina!