Raven’s Story

Housing Success!
Building Futures is housing more families and individuals than ever! Last year, we dramatically expanded our housing program to meet the need. We connected 116 new households with a place to live.
Raven Reed’s is one. She and her son faced complex obstacles to being housed. This not unusual for people we serve, who may need domestic violence services, connection to medical or mental health care, credit repair, or legal help, as well as housing. At Building Futures, we work with patience, and tailor services to each participant’s needs. Temporary rental subsidies are just part of the solution as we walk beside those we serve to a better future.
It took time, but Raven and her case manager Frances Buchanan worked hard. Raven told Frances she was motivated by her son’s wish to have a home before the start of school.
Building Futures counts on our community to help meet the needs that government funding doesn’t cover. Like our effective array of services, a diverse mix of funding helps families like Raven’s to succeed!
This article appeared in our 2022-23 Annual Report.