2022 Virtual Jazz It Up!

Missed it? Watch it here, click on box below:

Jazz It Up! 2022
La Mezcla Dance Company
Founded and led by Vanessa Sanchez, La Mezcla Dance Company uses dance and song to tell stories of Chicana history, culture and resistance. Blending tap dance and Son Jarocho zapateado (traditional footwork from Veracruz, Mexico,) Sanchez describes this unique dance style as “zapatap.”

To see how we do our work, check out our Annual Report. Pledge your support today! Simply contact Ana Maria Mahiri, Director of Development, at [email protected] or 510-357-0205 x204 to be included.

Last year's event
Building Futures’ first virtual Jazz it Up! event was a success!
2021 Jazz It Up!
Need some uplift and inspiration? Want to share our stories?
Watch the 2021 Jazz it Up! video any time, including our three-part “docu-series” that gives beautiful insight into our programs, clients, staff, and the overall heart of Building Futures, even during a pandemic.

2020 Jazz It Up!
Special thanks to our 2020 Jazz It Up! lead sponsors, Michael & Nancy Pretto, Creekside Plaza Partners, Community Realty and Investments, the City of San Leandro and the City of Alameda at the Band Leader level and above!
We are grateful to our other sponsors at the Jazz Beau and Artiste levels include ACI-Alameda County Industries, Bonnewit Development, East Bay Community Foundation, Face Reality Acne Clinic, Flores Optometry Inc., Nat and Kera Binns, Evelyn and Juan Gonzalez, Gaye Eisenlord, Rob & Emily Rich, Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc., Bay Alarm, Bruce and Judy Jund, Carla Dartis & Steven Carter, Gayle Thomas & Mike Williams, Main Advantage Technology Services, Supervisor Wilma Chan, Teamsters Local Union #853, and Tom Lauderbach!We postponed the May 2020 Gala, and focused our attention to keeping our community safe as we sheltered-in-place and did emergency response to the new COVID-19 pandemic.
2019 Jazz It Up!
Special thanks to our 2019 Jazz It Up! Sponsors
Williams Family
Kaiser Permanente, Wells Fargo, Nancy & Michael Pretto, Sanjay Madan, and UPS Northern California District
Band Leaders
BRIDGE Housing, City of Alameda, City of San Leandro, Community Realty & Investments, VDay East Bay, and McDermott Costa Insurance Brokers
Jazz Beaus
Alameda County Firefighters L55, Alameda Health System, Nat & Kera Binns, Cahill Contractors, Paul Carney & Giovanna Giuliani, Supervisor Wilma Chan, Creekside Plaza Partners, Dark Heart Nursery, East Bay Community Foundation, Gaye Eisenlord, FH Dailey Chevrolet, Flores Optometry, Juan & Evelyn González, Maximus Real Estate Partners, MidPen Housing, Rob & Emily Rich, and Anonymous
Deni Adaniya & Kevin Connolly, Alameda Alliance for Health, Hon. Pete Ballew, Best Price Furniture, Bonnewit Development, Carla Dartis & Steve Carter, East Bay Housing Organizations, Eden Health District, Glen Price Group, Habanas Cuban Bistro Alameda, Katherine Greenberg & Hon. Ed Hernandez, Bruce & Judy Jund, Tom Lauderbach, Main Advantage Technology Services, Poppy Bank, Resources for Community Development, Satellite Affordable Housing Associates, System Innovation, Teamsters Local Union 853, Gayle Thomas & Mike Williams, and William Pettus Architect