Special thanks to our 2020 Jazz It Up! lead sponsors, Michael & Nancy Pretto, Creekside Plaza Partners, Community Realty and Investments, the City of San Leandro and the City of Alameda at the Band Leader level and above!
We are grateful to our other sponsors at the Jazz Beau and Artiste levels include ACI-Alameda County Industries, Bonnewit Development, East Bay Community Foundation, Face Reality Acne Clinic, Flores Optometry Inc., Nat and Kera Binns, Evelyn and Juan Gonzalez, Gaye Eisenlord, Rob & Emily Rich, Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc., Bay Alarm, Bruce and Judy Jund, Carla Dartis & Steven Carter, Gayle Thomas & Mike Williams, Main Advantage Technology Services, Supervisor Wilma Chan, Teamsters Local Union #853, and Tom Lauderbach!We postponed the May 2020 Gala, and focused our attention to keeping our community safe as we sheltered-in-place and did emergency response to the new COVID-19 pandemic.
Special thanks to our 2019 Jazz It Up! Sponsors
Williams Family
Kaiser Permanente, Wells Fargo, Nancy & Michael Pretto, Sanjay Madan, and UPS Northern California District
Band Leaders
BRIDGE Housing, City of Alameda, City of San Leandro, Community Realty & Investments, VDay East Bay, and McDermott Costa Insurance Brokers
Jazz Beaus
Alameda County Firefighters L55, Alameda Health System, Nat & Kera Binns, Cahill Contractors, Paul Carney & Giovanna Giuliani, Supervisor Wilma Chan, Creekside Plaza Partners, Dark Heart Nursery, East Bay Community Foundation, Gaye Eisenlord, FH Dailey Chevrolet, Flores Optometry, Juan & Evelyn González, Maximus Real Estate Partners, MidPen Housing, Rob & Emily Rich, and Anonymous
Deni Adaniya & Kevin Connolly, Alameda Alliance for Health, Hon. Pete Ballew, Best Price Furniture, Bonnewit Development, Carla Dartis & Steve Carter, East Bay Housing Organizations, Eden Health District, Glen Price Group, Habanas Cuban Bistro Alameda, Katherine Greenberg & Hon. Ed Hernandez, Bruce & Judy Jund, Tom Lauderbach, Main Advantage Technology Services, Poppy Bank, Resources for Community Development, Satellite Affordable Housing Associates, System Innovation, Teamsters Local Union 853, Gayle Thomas & Mike Williams, and William Pettus Architect
- Alameda Alliance for Health
- Alameda County Firefighters Toy Program
- All Good Living Foundation
- Amador Valley Quilters
- Assumption Church SL
- Bananas
- Berkeley Buddhist Temple Youth Group
- Charles Schwab
- Church of Latter-Day Saints
- City of Alameda Staff
- Community Realty & Investments
- East Bay Moms Demand Action
- First Congregational Church of Alameda
- First United Methodist Church
- Ghirardelli Staff
- Girl Scout Troop #32971
- Girl Scout Troop #33428
- Kaiser Staff
- Kiwanis SL
- Mary Kay – Kelly Clardy
- Mary Kay – Marsha Amaral
- Montclair Piedmont Rotary
- Old Navy (Bayfair)
- Optimist Club
- Pack 556
- Pallen’s Martial Arts
- Rotary Alameda
- Rotary SL
- Starbucks
Alameda County Firefighters, Local 55 Toy Program
Alameda Firefighters Toy Program
Amador Valley Quilters Group
Avalon Schultz
Berkeley Buddhist Temple Dharma School Class
Bloo Foundation
California Federated Women’s Club
Chinese Bible Church
Christ Church
Christine Wong and United Brokers Real Estate
City Council of Alameda , Pete Ballew
City of Alameda Holiday Drive 2020
D&S Garden Supply
Ellie’s Neighborhood Gift Drive
First Congregational Church of Alameda
First United Methodist Church San Leandro
Girl Scout Troop #33429
Grodin Financial and Insurance Services
Jammie Drive by Meredith Mehlberg LLC
JOY Group, Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
Kaiser MCRO Team
Kiwanis Alameda
Marina Village Neighbors
Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant Kelly Clardy and friends
Moms Demand Action
Pappo’s Restaurant
Qiara’s Creations
Rigatoni’s Fresh Italian Grill Catering
Rotary Alameda
San Leandro Color
University of California, Office of the President and Friends
Waste Management
Women in Operations, UPS Northern California
Women’s Impact Network, WIN, Starbucks Northern California
- ABB Optical
- Access Elevator & Electric Supply
- Alameda County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
- Alameda County Social ServicesAlpha Delta Kappa (Allison Hall)
- Amador Valley Quilters
- Amazon
- Baby Mamas of Alameda 2018
- Berkeley Buddhist Temple
- Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
- Ben Franklin Electric Club of Northern California
- Best Price Furniture
- Cee Cee and Bee
- City of Alameda
- City of Oakland
- City of San Leandro
- Community Realty & Investments
- Councilmember Pete Ballew
- Division 6 Staff of San Leandro
- Exelixis
- Extended Stay America
- First Congregational Church of Alameda
- First Methodist Church of San Leandro
- First Presbytarian Church of San Leandro
- Flores Optometry
- Ghirardelli
- Grodin Financial and Insurance Services
- Hult International Business School
- Inner Wheel of San Leandro
- Iron Souls Motorcycle Club of Oakland
- Jessica Stark of Mary Kay Cosmetics (Kelly Clardy)
- John Casselberry & Madeleine Connor— Free Planet Press
- JOY Group—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- Kiwanis Club of San Leandro
- Luna Bar
- Mary Kay Cosmetics
- Merideth Mehlberg Group International
- Moms Demand Action
- Mr. Moxey’s
- Nano Precision Medical
- Nelson Staffing
- Oloshas United Bay Area
- Petals and Peacocks
- Razas Unidas
- Rigatoni’s Fresh Italian Grill
- Social Justice Committee of Temple Israel
- St. Mark’s Episcopal Church of Berkeley
- St. Vartan Armenian Church
- Team Juliana, Inc.
- United Methodist Women of San Leandro
- University of California— Office of the President
- Wells Fargo
2022 Domestic Violence Awareness Month Event